The Knights of Columbus, Monsignor Schuyler Council 1333, is chartered at Saint Agnes Parish. The Knights of Columbus is a national, Catholic, fraternal, patriotic, and charitable organization vital in helping the parish with their witness to their Faith and their social involvement in the Parish.
Membership is open to Catholic men over 18 years of age. Meetings are held on the 1st Tuesday of every month at the Council Home on 110 W. Market Street in West Chester.
To find out more about our great programs and fundraisers, and how you can join our great council, please visit us at
Contact Person: Grand Knight Raul Morales
Providing men with the opportunity to unite and build up other men in the role of leader, protector, and provider through education, formation, healing and action. This ministry meets weekly on Tuesdays evenings at 7PM in Thomas Patrick Hall.
Contact Person: Jim Herlihey 484-716-1649
St. Agnes’ Cub Scout Pack 153 and BSA Scout Troop 153 are Active This Fall!
Keep scrolling for more information on Fall Fundraisers.
Parents, are you looking for ways to engage your children this Fall, get them out of the house safely, and help them build character and have fun at the same time? Join Scouting! Pack 153 and Troop 153 are Catholic organizations, but children do not have to be Catholic to join—all are welcome!
For more info about Troop 153, go to
“Join Scouting” Nights for Cub Scouts:
Find out more information about the great Cub Scout Program in Chester County on September 8, 9, and 10 at (Note: this program is sponsored by the Chester County Council, so it is not specific to St. Agnes’ Pack 153.)
Open House for Pack 153 and Troop 153:
Sunday, September 13 at Hoopes Park (we’ll be taking temperatures and social distancing!)
1-3 pm Cub Scouts
5-7 pm BSA Scouts (completed 5th grade and are at least 10 years old)
Kindly RSVP to [email protected] to help us prepare!
Contact: PJ Redmond pjredmond1
Since COVID-19 is preventing us from doing our traditional popcorn sale in front of St. Agnes and local businesses, we are having TWO online fundraisers this fall! Choose one or both!
Trail’s End
If you’d like to support Scouting by ordering popcorn online that will be safely mailed by Trail’s End directly to you, please visit our website.
Not interested in popcorn yourself? Consider sending some to the American Heroes (troops and first responders)! Sales end on November 1, 2020.
Mums and Other Fall Flowers
For the first time, Troop 153 will be offering mums, ornamental kale, and fall pansies.
See link below to see the plant options and to order. Your plants will be delivered by a Scout right to your door—no contact! West Chester area deliveries only.
Sale cuts off September 18, and deliveries will be on or around September 26. Be sure to use the coupon code for the Scout you’re buying from (he’ll know it), or “Troop 153” for general purchases, to facilitate delivery.
Saint Agnes has several active troops from Daisies and Brownies to Girl Scouts. Each troop meets in the school cafeteria, earning petals/badges while having fun and living up to the Girl Scout Promise and Law.
Contact: Kelly Nastase 610-529-6524