St Agnes Agers…50+ meet Saturday, December 17, 2022! Join other St Agnes parishioners who attend Mass alone after the 5:15 mass on Saturday, December 17th for friendship, comradery and just to have a fun-filled evening. The St. Agnes Agers will meet in the front of the church after the 5:15 Mass and proceed down Gay street to Barnaby’s. We will admire the Christmas store fronts, holiday street lights and the town’s decorated tall Christmas tree. Barnaby’s will sure to be a great time! St Agnes Agers will meet the 3rd Saturday each month to eventually attend Mass together and enjoy each other’s company at dinner following Mass. Come out with us for dinner on Dec 17th and get to know other men and women of the parish! For further information and/or questions, please contact Reed Hoyt at [email protected] or Ruth Boyle at [email protected].