It has been a joy to welcome you back to public Mass and receiving Holy Communion, thanks be to God! As of this past Friday, June 26th, Chester County is in the “Green” phase of re-opening.
While there are a few changes in how we will be operating at Saint Agnes in the Green Phase, for the most part Mass will look very similar to how it looked in the Yellow Phase.
The biggest change is in our Mass schedule. We will be returning to what our Mass schedule was before the pandemic on the weekend of July 4th. This means that daily Mass will be on Monday to Friday at 6:30am and 8am and at 8am on Saturday. Sunday Mass will be the 5:15pm Vigil on Saturday and 7am, 9am, 10:30am, 12 Noon (Spanish), and 5:15pm on Sunday.
There are a few points that we would especially like to highlight: